Our Services
Schools, After School Programs, & Summer Programs
We can come to your school! We offer support as an immersive Spanish experience and one hour of Artistes de Luz class. These classes can be customized and tailored to the needs of your students & establishment.
Unique On Site Childcare
Are you an organization looking to bridge the gap between those that can attend your evening events & classes? We can help! We offer our classes as childcare for parents attending night classes and other evening events.
Elevated Childcare
Take your childcare experience to the next level. This is a perfect solution for family gathering, parties, or any event you need quality childcare with an educational twist. These classes take place in your home.
1:1/Group Class Packages
This fun and educational series of classes take place in your home and meet regularly. Classes are child-guided and can be customized and tailored to your needs.
Online Spanish Tutoring
Struggling with grades? We can help! Perfect for all ages up through 8th grade. Schedule an appointment for online tutoring today!
Have an idea & would like to connect?
We’d love to hear from you!